It is Sunday, and it is snowing. I am sitting behind my laptop, and I feel very motivated. I was not courageous enough to stay out for a long time in this cold but beautiful weather, even if I am the most happier person in the world because of the snow. (Meanwhile, it's manifestation is today's leading topic.) 

But I am brave and inspired enough to write my first own blog in English. Previous ones I wrote in the Slovenian language, and then my relative translated them. I went through my fears now and just started. I am not sure if everything will be correct, but the main thing is, that the content will be here. I think I will be very proud of my self at the end of this article. :) 

Like I said before, the snow is my today's inspiration. 

In Slovenia is snowing for a couple of weeks, and I was hoping that it will stay like this until my visit at home during the Christmas holidays. I was praying for this few days ago, and I felt a bit disappointed because my Grandmother told me yesterday, that now it will be warmer in my home country, so that means that snow probably will not stay. This information is making me sad for a moment, but later on, I did not care anymore. I accepted that I could not control the weather only my mood. My flatmate yesterday evening also told me, that in London does not snow very often, so that is another reason that I did not expect the snow today. I was okay with everything. 

When I got up next morning and went to the bathroom, I was a bit shocked (in a positive way) when I was looking out of the window. I stopped there, and gratefulness went through my whole body. It was a fantastic feeling. I said THANK YOU to my heaven helper and enjoyed this magical surprise. I can not describe those feelings with the right words even in my language. I am just saying to you that you need to feel it. 
The best way how to become familiar with this feeling of gratefulness is meditation and do not forget to complete it with faith. You will realize that thankfulness and happiness is your natural state. 
Start with meditation today if you already did not, and connect yourself with your inner world and heaven. You will feel amazing when you will start to receive your awards. 

My beloving readers, faith is the first thing you should have it. Open your mind to the unknown and unseen things. I promise you that your life will change after that. 

You can start now. If you love Louise Hay as much as I do, you can try this meditation here. My first personal growth book was Louise's You Can Heal Your Life, years ago and since then I recommend her methods to everybody. My purpose to inspired people was so pure all the time that this year I get a reward as well. My heaven helper shows me an opportunity to become a Hay House Affiliate. Since now I recommend Louise's work even more. :) 

I'm sure that you can find something for yourself ass well. :) 

Love you, your's Flower Lady Maja♥


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